Evidence of consumer safety should obviously be the gold standard before allowing any product to be marketed to the public. Whether a child’s toy or the hyped 5G (Fifth Generation) technology, science and reliability must be confirmed before any new product or innovation is released for public consumption. What proof can our civic leaders cite if / when approving 5G deployment?

There is no scientific evidence that 5G is safe for consumers.  Quite the opposite is true.  In a recent segment of 60 Minutes on CBS, they described how PEMR, or Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation is being used as a weapon targeting US diplomats at home and abroad. PEMR is the very agent by which cellular technology operates (cell phones, cell towers, smart appliances, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors etc.). 2G technology cell towers were placed at distances well outside the public sphere. Although visually disturbing, these monolithic towers made talking and texting possible. 3G and 4G cell towers provided greater data transmission, moving beyond the original purpose of the cell phone (communication). These stronger antennas gave users internet capabilities by providing carrier waves with higher pulsations and modulations. “Users” are never shown the safety warning in the owner’s manual- the warning that tells people to not carry the phone next to their bodies because these waves expose the body to harmful electrical signals. Dopamine released by cell phone use has perpetuated the commercial success of keeping the public ignorant and addicted to harmful wireless technology.

5G operates on a completely different premise, and it is not for improving our communication. It is an infrastructure developed to improve Telecom’s ability to track data and to connect users to the Internet of Things. The IOT allows Smart appliances to communicate amongst each other, creating an artificially intelligence (AI) system. This system while “smart” is making us humans dumber. Brain synapses weaken when we no longer have to remember mom’s phone number or how to boil an egg. 5G uses microwave antennas (placed every few houses apart) which will expose the public to higher and more harmful frequencies. The PEMR emitted from 5G (in fact all generations of cell technology) causes greater oxidative stress, a significant contributor to all inflammatory diseases.

The microwave radiation soup we are all drowning in is also causing electro-sensitivity, a condition that causes headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, heart palpitations and more.  This condition is recognized as a disability by the World Health Organization because it affects so many. Most of those afflicted with these symptoms have no idea of their root cause.  Unfortunately, to be recognized by the traditional medical establishment as a true “medical diagnoses,” it must already be in the medical establishment’s playbook.  As was proven by the drawn-out revelation of the Tobacco industry’s sins, establishing an inconvenient truth that is being covered up by powerful entities is a slog. The research and science on this harm has been well documented for over seventy years.  Yet, as was the case with the tobacco industry, Big Telecom is willing to spend billions (if you hadn’t noticed) on television advertising, Washington lobbyists, celebrities of screen and sport, all working in unison to gaslight us all into believing we can’t live without the glories of 5G technology.  

Southern Oregon is an agricultural mecca but will cease to be so should the 5G marketing scheme succeed.  Everywhere pollinators are declining in numbers and species. On the Greek island of Samos, there was a significant decline in birds and bees after the installation of a 5G cell tower in the summer of 2021. This is one example of many.  With pesticides prohibited on the island, it is clear that the true culprit is the proliferation of 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) and 5G towers.  The big mystery is (she wrote sardonically), why isn’t this troubling truth being shared with the public by way of the Telecom owned and operated media conglomerates???

Asking our civic leaders whether they can prove the safety of 5G seems like a very good idea. If they cannot provide such proof and move ahead with the installation of this technology anyway, then the damage to every citizen’s health due to the toxicity of this technology lies on their shoulders. Clearly this is an untenable option, which is why stopping the AT&T 5G cell tower installation at the SOU Stadium in Ashland is urgent and critical. It is key that Ashland City Council do everything in their power to prevent this tower installation and keep AT&T from putting more harmful radiation in a town known for its curative and healing acclaim. Residents have the right to live in homes that are healthy and safe, free of unwanted microwave radiation.










