HCAO-Talent Resolution Succeeds — Film: “Fix-It-Healthcare at the Tipping Point”, Ashland Showing 5/25, 7 pm at Unitarian Universalist Church

  HCAO-Talent Resolution Succeeds
The City of Talent on May 17, 2017 passed a healthcare resolution advocating the State Legislature initiate a cost-effective, high quality and comprehensive healthcare system for All Oregonians. Talent residents Gerlinde Smith and Lee Lull gave a detailed presentation to the city council. Jim Schellentreger of Talent entreated the council to capitalize on this opportunity to give more weight to his voice which is diluted by the time it gets upstream to Salem. By adopting this resolution his voice is strengthened and better heard. Lauri Hoagland, a family nurse practitioner at La Clinica spoke about the need in Talent. She knows many people have to choose between medicine and bills.  We, in Talent are all better heard with the passing of this resolution and are happy to have joined the many other cities that have preceded us as we work for comprehensive and affordable Health Care for All Oregonians.
An excellent movie ‘Fix It- Healthcare at the Tipping Point’ is being shown at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Ashland on May 25Thursday at 7 pm. This movie, made by a citizen activist, examines how the onus of healthcare affects businesses in this and other countries.